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All that is text …

(Johannes Graubner)
Johannes Graubner
We technical writers/editors feel responsible for (almost) everything whatthat is somehowis related to text. We are engineers; for us, text should in the first instance be comprehensible. "Comprehensible" is relative here: The simplest reader of any operating instructions should understand the text and be in a position to translate it into meaningful, errorfree action.

… and requires vizualisation

In visualization ("the conversion into images"), there are various options available: Even a table is a way of structuring a text graphically so that relations and differences can be recognized at a glance. Of course, drawings and photographs, icons and 3D-graphics, diagrams and, if appropriate, film snippets also enhance the comprehensibility of the text. Depending on the complexity of the task, we collaborate with technical illustrators and graphic designers to create documents that can be understood — even by the stressed reader.


  • Founded: 1992
  • Headquarters: Jena, Germany
  • Predecessor: "Transnational Wings", a translation company located in Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Owner: Johannes Graubner, graduate engineer in electrical engineering/telecommunications
  • Cooperating partners: Technical writers/editors, graphic designers, product designers, physicists — to form (Link intern) media offices
  • Active: World-wide. Our manuals must have reached all the main continents by now. We ourselves have covered four continents to give training courses.


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