Online help?
In principle, online help is a sub-subject of technical documentation.
In particular by the application of suitable concepts of single source publishing, the online help may be viewed as a specific publication path for a technical documentation made available via different ways (and with a content differing in parts).
Online help!
Sometimes your customers would be happy if the had available the same content as file which you gave them stuck in a pile of paper: Then they could start a full-text search at least. Our PDF files provide you in addition with a multitude of navigational aids.
If the budget provides for a little bit more, then you may supply your customers with more added value, i.e. a true online help. Link this online help context sensitive from your computer program. Then your customers solve many problems without refering to your cost-intensive hotline. Actual, this is not really expensive — it is a pity that nonetheless many programs deprive themselves of this comparably simple option, to ensure customer satisfaction (and to relieve the costly hotline).
PDF as online help: PDF help
Online help does not have to be expensive. In the most simple case, the PDF file may be linked context sensitive, so that the file opens directly on the page which is relevant in the current context. A little bit more effort is required for WinHelp, HTMLHelp and similar help systems — however, if they are based on the manual, you can calculate with quite moderate costs even for these types of help.
Transcom have the know-how available
No matter, which way you want to take to your online help:
Transcom have the know-how available to bring you there effectively.
We support you even in the case, wir have not written the sources (e.g. the manuals) ourselves.
A demonstrator for the context sensitive pdf help we provide with the PDF-T-Maker.